会议介绍:Disaster mitigation and rehabilitation has increasingly become one of the major concerns of geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists. Following the first successful conference of this series in Singapore, TC39, TC4, The Joint Working Group on Geotechnical Engineering for Disaster Mitigation and Rehabilitation and the Geotechnical Research Institute (GeoHohai) of Hohai University, China, are jointly organising the second conference in May 2008 in Nanjing, one of the historic cities in China. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity for engineers, academics, construction equipment and materials manufacturers, suppliers, and government officials to present and exchange the latest developments and case histories related to geotechnical engineering for disaster prevention, mitigation and rehabilitation.
联系方式: 电话:13770531932 传真:025-83713073 E-mail: gedmar08@hhu.edu.cn 网站:http://www.GeoHohai.com/GEDMAR08