会议介绍:The International Zeolite Association (IZA), together with the Chinese Zeolite Association(CZA), extends a cordial invitation to the colleagues in the field of zeolites and related sciences to participate in the 15th International Zeolite Conference (15th IZC), which will be held from August 12 to August 17, 2007 in Beijing, China. The Conference will be preceded by a Pre-school that will update participants on a series of topics relating to zeolites and porous materials science and technology. The pre-conference school will be held in Dalian, one of the most beautiful coastal cities in China. A Post-Conference field trip is scheduled to enable those interested to visit natural zeolite minerals. Additionally, there are also Exhibition and Round Table Discussions during the period of the Conference.
联系方式: 电话:+86-10-68597751\68597750 传真:+86-10-68597753 E-mail: cllan@cashq.ac.cn 网站:http://www.15izc.org.cn/invitation.htm