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作者:chenjing…  文章来源:学术网  点击数1199  更新时间:2007/9/12 11:12:30  文章录入:chenqingqing  责任编辑:chenjingjing


●通讯地址:Vienna University of Technology



      The IFIP TC8 International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems is a primary international event which provides an opportunity for enterprise information systems academicians and practitioners in the world to gather, exchange ideas, and present original research in their fields. Scientists and practitioners are invited to address the current research topics in the area or the research frontier at this unique international forum.
      Submissions from all areas of enterprise information systems/technology are invited. Prospective authors from AIS, ACM, IEEE, IFIP, and other societies with cross-disciplinary topics are welcome.






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