太平洋海洋遥感协会是在1990年由太平洋周边国家的科学家们组织成立的,此后每两年举办一届全球性遥感学术会议。从1992年第一次在日本冲绳举行以来,已经在世界各国成功举办了8届。 PORSEC is an organization dedicated to helping developing nations stimulate their science programs using global remote sensing data. PORSEC has provided over a decade of effort with over 30 countries and agencies participating to advance the science capabilities in developing countries. A governing body of 60 global scientists provide the guiding effort and leadership to make this a successful movement. Originating in Japan, it is truly an International effort.
网站:http://www.scsio.ac.cn/porsec2008.htm |