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作者:dengyp  文章来源:中国学术在线  点击数910  更新时间:2010/8/24 13:27:34  文章录入:dengyp  责任编辑:dengyp

● 会议名称(中文): 第八届国际压电原子力显微技术及纳米尺度极性材料和力学高级研讨会

● 会议名称(英文): 8th International Tutorial Workshop on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Electromechanics of Polar Materials 2010

● 所属学科: 材料科学  电子、通信与自动控制技术  物理学  力学  
● 会议类型: 国际会议 

● 会议论文集是否检索: 不详 

● 开始日期: 2010-8-25

● 结束日期: 2010-8-27

● 所在国家: 中华人民共和国 

● 所在城市: 北京市   东城区 

● 主办单位: University of Science and Technology Beijing

● 承办单位: National Natural Science Foundation of China

● 组织委员会主席: Lijie Qiao

● 摘要截稿日期: 2010-5-15

● 会务组联系方式

E-mail: pfmabstracts@yahoo.cn
通讯地址: 海淀区学院路30号
邮政编码: 100083

● 会议注册费: 500,800,1200

● 会议网站: http://www.ustb.edu.cn/materials/files/pfm/index.html

● 会议背景介绍:

    The three-day workshop consists of Tutorial Lectures by PFM pioneers, Topical Lectures by leading scientists in the field, Industrial Lectures from leading PFM manufacturers, and Poster Sessions for attendees to discuss their own work. It also includes extensive Lab Demos for participants to gain hand-on experience in PFM on various commercial systems, for which the attendees can bring their own samples for testing and examinations.

    Coupling between electrical and mechanical phenomena is ubiquitous in nature and underpins the functionality of materials and systems as diversified as ferroelectrics and multiferroics, electroactive molecules, and biological systems. In ferroelectrics, electromechanical behavior is directly linked to polarization order parameter and hence can be used to study complex phenomena including polarization reversal, domain wall pinning, multiferroic interaction, and electron-lattice coupling.

    The very basis of functionalities of biological systems is electromechanics - from nerve-controlled muscle contraction on macroscale to cardiac activity and hearing on micro scale and to energy storage in mitochondria, voltage-controlled ion channels and electromotor proteins on nanoscale. More broadly, electromechanical coupling is a key component of virtually all electrochemical transformations, and is a nearly universal part of energy conversion and transport processes. It forms a basis for many device applications, and is directly relevant to virtually all existing and emerging aspects of materials science and nanobiotechnology.

    The ubiquity and importance of electromechanics is belied by the lack of systematic interdisciplinary studies, due to, until recently, the dearth of corresponding nanoscale probing tools and the difficulty in quantitatively determining the relatively small electromechanical coupling coefficients. The development of piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) and piezoelectric nanoindentation technique in the last decade has led to rapid advances in the investigation of electromechanics with unprecedented resolution. In ferroelectric materials, PFM has enabled imaging static and dynamic domain

    characteristics at the nanometer level, providing direct experimental observations on switching and fatigue, domain-defect interactions, and nucleation mechanisms. The last several years have also witnessed a number of spectacular advances in PFM imaging and characterization of III-V nitrides, ferroelectric and biological polymers, and expanding PFM capabilities to liquid and vacuum environments.  

● 征文范围及要求:

Call for Abstracts:

    You are sincerely invited to present a poster on any aspects of piezoresponse force microscopy and electromechanics during the workshop. A one-page abstract can be submitted to pfmabstracts@yahoo.cn, together with the registration form. The deadline for the submission of abstract and registration form is May 15, 2010.  

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