● 会议名称(中文): 第五届中美化学工程会议
● 会议名称(英文): The 5th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering
● 所属学科: 化学 ● 会议类型: 国际会议
● 会议论文集是否检索: 不详
● 开始日期: 2009-10-13
● 结束日期: 2009-10-16
● 所在国家: 中华人民共和国
● 所在城市: 北京市 东城区
● 主办单位: 中国化工学会 美国化学工程师学会
● 会议主席: Prof. Jinghai Li
● 会务组联系方式
联系人: Prof.Qingshan Zhu 联系电话: 86-10-62536108 传真: 86-10-62536108 E-mail: qszhu@home.ipe.ac.cn 通讯地址: Institute of Process Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing,China 邮政编码: 100190
● 会议网站: http://www.sinouschemeng.com/
● 会议背景介绍:
Chemical industry has become one of the most important industries in modern society, particularly due to the challenges in energy, resources and environment. The 5th Sino-US Conference of Chemical Engineering aims to bring together scientists and engineers from academia and industry and students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, and research results on all aspects of Chemical Engineering, and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the possible solutions to be adopted. The conference will emphasize the key role played by chemical e-ngineers to develop the processes, products and services needed by hu-manity in a more sustainable way as highlighted in the conference theme Chemical Engineering for sustainable development.The conference will provide an excellent platform for promoting collaborations among r-esearchers from China, US, and other countries and regions.
● 征文范围及要求:
The three-and-half day technical conference will feature invited plenary and keynote lectures, oral presentations and posters. The Scientific Advisory Committee will ensure all presentations are of high quality. While all aspects of Chemical Engineering will be welcomed, the following topics will be the main focus of the conference: 1. Fossil energy 2. Non-fossil energy 3. Resources and green technology 4. Materials and nano technology 5. Petrochemicals and fine chemicals 6. Separations and environmental technology 7. Particles and fluidization technology 8. Bioengineering and biotechnology 9. Catalysis and reaction engineering 10. Multiscale chemical system 11. Transport processes 12. Computer simulation and experimental validation 13. Quality and best practices in project management 14. Plenary panel discussion on research and education of chemical engineering in 21st century 15. Plenary panel discussion on challenges and opportunities in chemical industry There will be a poster paper session |