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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数605  更新时间:2011/12/13 14:12:15  文章录入:pp123456  责任编辑:wangyan

2012 Spring International Conference on Control and Automation (CAA-S ) will take place in Xi’an China, 26-29 May, 2012. The conference CAA-S is held under the 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET2012). The SCET 2012 is composed of several conferences on the frontier topics in the engineering and technological subjects. The SCET 2012 conference proceedings will be published by IEEE, and the accepted papers will be indexed by Ei Compendex .



l  Adaptive Control   

l  Automated Guided Vehicles   

l  Biomedical Engineering and Biosystems Automation   

l  Control Education   

l  Control Theory and Application   

l  Discrete Event Systems   

l  Electronic Commerce and Office  Automation   

l  Estimation and Identification   

l  Factory Modeling and Automation   

l  Fault Detection   

l  Flexible Manufacturing Systems   

l  Fuzzy and Neural Systems   

l  Industrial Process Control   

l  Instruments and Vibration Control   

l  Integrated Manufacturing   

l  Intelligent and AI Based Control   

l  Intelligent Automation   

l  Learning Systems   

l  Linear Systems   

l  Man-machine Interactions   

l  Manufacturing Control and Automation Engineering   

l  Material Processing and Control   

l  Modeling of Complex Systems   

l  Motion Control   

l  Multi-agent systems   

l  Network Intelligence and Network Control   

l  Nonlinear Systems and Control   

l  Optimal Control   

l  Petri-Nets and Applications Petri-   

l  Process Automation   

l  Process Control & Instrumentation   

l  Real-time Systems   

l  Robotics   

l  Robust and Control   

l  Sensor networks and networked control   

l  Sensor/data fusion   

l  Smart Structures  

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