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作者:佚名  文章来源:本站原创  点击数569  更新时间:2011/12/21 13:37:53  文章录入:pp123456  责任编辑:树树

2012 Spring International Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics (AEM-S ) will take place in Xi’an China, 26-29 May, 2012. The conference AEM-S is held under the 2012 Spring World Congress on Engineering and Technology (SCET2012). The SCET 2012 is composed of several conferences on the frontier topics in the engineering and technological subjects. The SCET 2012 conference proceedings will be published by IEEE, and the accepted papers will be indexed by Ei Compendex.



l  Algorithms

l  Applied Statistics

l  Chaos Systems

l  Coding

l  Combinatorial Linear Algebra

l  Combinatorial Problems

l  Combinatorial Programming

l  Computational Linear Algebra

l  Computational Programming of Numerical

l  Control Theory

l  Convergence Analysis

l  Convex Programming

l  Cryptology

l  Decision Theory

l  Difference Equations

l  Dynamical Systems

l  Error Analysis

l  Estimation Theory

l  Numerical Linear Analysis

l  Numerical Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation

l  Optimization Theory

l  Ordinary Differential Equations

l  Partial Differential Equations

l  Perturbation Problems

l  Probability Theory

l  Quadratic Programming

l  Queueing Theory

l  Real time Systems

l  Reliability Theory

l  Routing Theory







l  Financial Mathematics

l  Finite Elements

l  Game Theory

l  Graph Theory

l  Identification

l  Integral Equations

l  Inventory Control

l  Iterative Method

l  Large-scale Systems

l  Linear Programming

l  Markov Chains

l  Mathematical Programming

l  Mathematical Statistics

l  Methods of Algorithmic Analysis

l  Network Optimization

l  Nonlinear Programming

l  Nonlinear Systems

l  Non-linear Systems

l  Scheduling

l  Scientific Computing

l  Signal Processing

l  Simulation

l  Simulation

l  Stability Problems

l  Stochastic Differential Equations

l  Stochastic Modeling

l  Stochastic Process

l  Stochastic Programming

l  Tensor Analysis

l  Transportation Problems

l  Variation Methods

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