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作者:dengyp  文章来源:中国学术会议在线  点击数670  更新时间:2014/10/21 14:31:18  文章录入:dengyp  责任编辑:dengyp

●会议名称(中文):  2014集成分子/材料科学与工程国际研讨会

●会议名称(英文):  International Symposium on Integrated Molecular/Materials Science and Engineering (IMSE2014)

●所属学科:  材料科学基础学科,高分子材料,复合材料

●开始日期:  2014-11-01

●结束日期:  2014-11-03

●所在国家:  中华人民共和国

●所在城市:  江苏省     南京市

●具体地点:  东南大学

●主办单位:  生物电子学国家重点实验室 、东南大学生物科学与医学工程系

●全文截稿日期:  2014-10-07


联系人:  Prof. Zhongze Gu
联系电话:  86-83795632-801
传真:  86-25-83795635
E-MAIL:  hmwei@seu.edu.cn

●会议网站:  http://www.chinesevacuum.com/ShowArticle.aspx?id=46527&pid=39


       Material science, which should be realized as one of the most interdisciplinary and borderless science, has made remarkable progress in recent years and furthermore is continually growing in broad fields. Integrated material science and engineering are not only containing, but also beyond conventional categories such as organic and inorganic materials, metals and semiconductors, macromolecules and supermolecules, biomaterials, target materials and hybrid materials, which open new avenue to material science, as well as provide new circumstances for talented young scientists to conduct novel and fantastic works. The goal of this symposium is to bring together the broad, multidisciplinary community of researchers who are interested in these fields, and provide opportunities for future high-impact science and technology related to such fields. The symposium will provide a common forum for scientists operating in all fields of integrated materials, from the preparations to their properties and applications.

The symposium will primarily focus on the following topics that are of strong interest currently in the fields of integrated materials:

        1) Biomaterials
        2) Macromolecules and Self-assembly
        3) Functional Materials
        4) Materials for Laser Target
        5) Materials for Circuitry
        6) Others

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