●会议名称(中文): 2014年IEEE航空电子和遥感技术国际会议
●会议名称(英文): 2014 IEEE International Conference on Aerospace Electronics and Remote Sensing Technology (ICARES)
●所属学科: 测绘与遥感,控制系统仿真技术,导航、制导与传感技术
●开始日期: 2014-11-13
●结束日期: 2014-11-14
●所在国家: 印度尼西亚
●所在城市: 印度尼西亚
●具体地点: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
●主办单位: School of Electrical Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung
E-MAIL: icares2014-chairs@edas.info
●会议网站: http://indoaessgrss.org/icares-2014/
South East Asia are among the fastest growing area in the economic terms. However, in fully contrast to this fact, its ecological and environmental condition are achieving an alerted state of decline. Volcano eruptions are day-to-day events, almost all of its lands and seas are severely polluted.
At the same time disaster sensors are to be installed leading to the pooling of relevant data to be collected and analyzed. These sensors shall be installed in a good distributed manner ranging from a locally fixed stations to the mobile type of sensor. MRV was reported based on GEOSAR at X-band as well as at P-band. The initiative called INCAS which resulted the portrait of the land area change versus carbon stock change, in all Indonesian territory, was reported. This leads to conclusion that more SAR techniques are gaining more and more acceptance in the future, in this area and in the Asia Pacific regions.
In any case, the challenges for efficient sensors both Optical (Images) and mostly Radar approaches are enormous.
On the other hand, the needs of flying sensors will equally prevail for monitoring the environment at precision. The autonomous flight control on board the UAV, smaller and cost effective satellite such as nano or micro satellites, its versatile launching vehicles and ground segment counterparts will no doubt be the unavoidable requisites .
This ICARES 2014 will be a platform for disseminating timely information both in the sensor technology, smaller satellites and launch vehicles as well as in the processing of information. The event shall become a unique opportunity for the AES, GRS and other IEEE Chapters to exchange views and disseminating new trends and advances in the respected fields.
●征文范围及要求: The papers to be published in the International and related communities are therefore hereby solicited in the following but not limited to:
Adaptive control Advanced modulation theory Aeronautical engineering Aeropace & electronic systems Aircraft Navigation Antennas Astronomical Image Processing Atmospheric Measurement Attitude maneuver control Autonomous flight control Ballistic tracking Bistatic SAR processing Communications techniques Control design Convex parameterization Detection in non-gaussian distribution environment Doppler signature classifications Earth terminal systems Estimation & detection theory Estimation for guidance, navigation & control of an aerial vehicle Finite elements Geophysical Image Processing Geoscience & remote sensing GPS multipath Ground Support System Image analysis Image Recognition Interactivity via satellite Interference cancellation Interference Suppression Intersatellite links Intrapulse radar Ionospheric Techniques Meteorological Radar MIMO radar moving target detection MTI radar Multi-spacecraft imaging systems Nano & Micro satellites designs Nanosatellites networking Navigation services NLOS communications Nonlinear approach to tracking problem Novel satellite-enabled services Object Detection Optimal control problems Radar Detection & imaging Radar Signal Processing Rocket SAR imaging Satellite architecture Satellite Ground Stations Satellite Navigation Satellite payload Satellite subsystems & components Sensing & sensor technologies Sensor platform & network Space communications Spacecraft and launch vehicle Stochastic control systems Synthetic aperture radar technology Telemetry UAV & satellite communications UAV & small planes platforms Ultrawideband SAR Variable structure control |