发布人:chenqingqing 更新时间:2007/7/28 15:10:03 点击数:1076会议名称: 8月4日四川产品开发与可靠性进展国际会议
通讯地址: 四川省 成都市
会议时间: 2008-8-4至2008-8-6
会议介绍: Brief introduction:
The development of innovative and reliable products is crucial to the survival and prosperity of modern corporations, in the increasingly integrated global economy. Active investigations are being performed on new methodologies, technologies and tools for product development and reliability, especially from the systemic, integrated and lifecycle perspective. PDR’08 aims to provide an international forum for academia and practitioners to report and share the leading edge scientific knowledge and industrial experience in these areas. It will update the latest progress of product development and reliability, from digital product development to product collaborative and lifecycle management, product-service-systems, reliability analysis, modeling and optimization for product development, best practices and a range of industrial case studies. Delegates in PDR’08 will come from academia, government and non-governmental organizations, research institutes and companies. The event will include keynotes from international experts in the relevant areas. PDR’08 is an excellent learning experience and networking opportunity.
With the Beijing Olympic 2008 being held from August 8th to August 24th, 2008 in China, just after the conferences concludes. Delegates will have a unique opportunity to experience the significant impact of the Olympic Games on modern China.
电话: 028 87600935
E-mail: pdr08@home.swjtu.edu.cn
网站: http://pdr08.swjtu.edu.cn/