发布人:dengyp 更新时间:2010/3/8 17:03:26 点击数:1287● 会议名称(中文): 第14届国际抗感染会议
● 会议名称(英文): 14th International Congress
● 所属学科: 预防医学与卫生学 基础医学
● 会议类型: 国际会议
● 会议论文集是否检索: 不详
● 开始日期: 2010-3-9
● 结束日期: 2010-3-12
● 所在国家: 美国
● 所在城市: 国外
● 具体地点: James L. Knight International Center & Hyatt Regency Miami,Miami, FL, USA
● 主办单位: nternational Society for Infectious Diseases
● 摘要截稿日期: 2009-11-1
● 论文录用通知日期 2009-12-20
● 会务组联系方式
联系电话: +52 (55) 9171 9570
传真: +52 (55) 5660 1903
E-mail: isid@servimed.com.mx
通讯地址: Barranca del Muerto No. 520, Col. Alpes 01010 Mexico D.F.
● 会议网站: http://www.isid.org/14th_icid/congress_organization.shtml
● 会议背景介绍:
In this ever shrinking world where people, products and pathogens move rapidly around the globe, our collective expertise and experience will enable us to find answers to the infectious disease challenges confronting us all. It is in this shared spirit of scientific excellence and collegial collaboration that preparations have begun for the 14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases to be held in Miami, Florida from March 9-12, 2010. Building on the unqualified successes of our most recent biannual meetings in Lisbon and Kuala Lumpur, the International Society for Infectious Diseases is delighted to return to North America for the 14th ICID.
We are very excited about coming to Miami, an internationallyrecognized multicultural, multilingual and dynamic city that serves as a welcoming entry point into the United States. Miami also is home to outstanding universities and medical centers, and has a worldwide reputation as a pioneer city in international medicine, infectious diseases research and practice.
Whether you are a clinician, researcher, educator, public health official or practitioner of any of the disciplines that contribute to the care of patients with infectious diseases, please mark your calendars and make plans to join thousands of your colleagues from approximately 100 different countries in Miami at the Congress.
The 14th ICID will continue the unique educational approach that distinguish International Congresses on Infectious Diseases from other meetings, namely a scientific program that runs the spectrum from cutting edge science to state-of the-art practices to global infectious disease control, all presented by a truly international faculty and attended by participants whose diverse backgrounds create an incomparable opportunity for the worldwide exchange of information for the benefit of our patients and societies.
Plenary lectures by world leaders in infectious disease and microbiologic research, clinical practice and health policy will be complemented by symposia organized, moderated and presented by experts in their respective fields, interactive meet-the-professor sessions headed by engaging faculty and daily oral and poster presentations based on submitted abstracts. Importantly, the Congress allows members to renew and expand their participation in the Society and non-members to become members that contribute to its future. The Congress also provides a perfect environment for stimulating intellectual exchange and camaraderie, essential elements for the creation of new ideas and partnerships.
● 征文范围及要求:
1 General Policies
All abstracts must be submitted electronically through the electronic abstract submission system.
1 All abstracts must be received on or before November 1, 2009.
Abstracts received after this deadline will not be accepted for inclusion in the Congress.
2 All abstracts have a 350 word limit of text (not including presenter information and title).
3 Authors are advised to insure that their abstracts meet the criteria and guidelines below. All accepted abstracts will be published as is. Acceptance of the abstract in the program and assignment to a session are determined solely by the Program Committee based on a review of the abstract and its subject matter. Decisions of the Program Committee are final. Because of the logistics of assigning abstracts to sessions and the number of abstracts received, requests for particular types of presentations, sessions, days, or times will not be considered by the Program Committee.
a.Submitting authors are required to insure that all listed co-authors have reviewed the abstract, take responsibility for its content and agree with being listed as co-author.
b.All potential conflicts of interest for each co-author must be provided. Potential conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, commercial interest in the research, and financial or in-kind support for the research, and financial or in-kind support for the research from entities with commerical interest in research.
4 The ICID Program Committee invites the submission of research abstracts of excellent quality in all areas related to infectious diseases. Authors with original research are encouraged to submit abstracts related to bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and viral infections, the pathogenesis of infectious diseases, antimicrobial agents, and related fields of investigation. All abstracts are reviewed by subcommittees of the 14th ICID Program Committee for the quality and originality of their research, scientific content, and presentation.
Abstracts may be accepted into one of three categories:
a.Oral presentation: The presenting author will be required to make a
7 minute Powerpoint presentation that concisely summarizes the research question, the methods used, the results and their significance. Abstracts accepted for oral presentation will be published as a supplement to the International Journal of Infectious Diseases IJID and distributed to congress participants on site.
b.Poster presentation: The presenting author will be obliged to present the poster during the poster session to which it has been assigned. Abstracts accepted for poster presentation will be published as a supplement to the International Journal of Infectious Diseases IJID and distributed to congress participants on site.
International Scientific Exchange (ISE): Abstracts accepted for ISE will not be presented at the ICID. ISE accepted abstracts will be distributed to congress participants in the Scientific Exchange Abstract Book.