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发布人:chenqingqing    更新时间:2007/10/10 12:20:40    点击数:1147


●通讯地址:National Univ. of Defense Tech., China



     The ICIA 2008 is the new generation of the IEEE International Conference on Information Acquisition. In order to response to the repaid development in the area of the integration of the information technology with automation and control, ICIA has increased its technical scopes in order to provide a bigger forum for researchers in the interdisciplinary areas of information and automation sciences and engineering. The theme of this conference is “Integration of information technologies and automation”.All accepted papers will be EI-indexed.

     The ICIA 2008 will be held at the Best Western Premier ZhangJiaJie hotel, Hunan, China from June 20 to 23, 2008. ZhangJiaJie is one of the most beautiful tourist sites in China. It is located in the middle part of China and can be conveniently accessed by planes from major cities in China such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, etc. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is the first authorized national forest park in China and well known for its unique tourist resources. The park features grotesque peaks, lucid brooks, abundant fauna and floras and hospitable climate. ICIA 2008 will provide the participants an opportunity to enjoy the fantastic scenic spots and the unique culture of the minority nations of Tujia and Miao people in addition to the technical program. 






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