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2010年7月7日-10日台北·2010 INFORMS 服务科学年会

发布人:dengyp    更新时间:2010/7/2 15:47:50    点击数:880

● 会议名称(中文): 2010 INFORMS 服务科学年会

● 会议名称(英文): 2010 INFORMS Service Science Conference

● 所属学科: 管理学  信息科学与系统科学  工程与技术科学基础学科  计算机科学技术  
● 会议类型: 国际会议 

● 会议论文集是否检索: 不详 

● 开始日期: 2010-7-7

● 结束日期: 2010-7-10

● 所在城市: 台湾省   台北市 

● 主办单位: INFORMS

● 承办单位: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 

● 重要日期

摘要截稿日期: 2010-3-1
全文截稿日期: 2010-3-1
论文录用通知日期 2010-4-15
交修订版截止日期: 2010-5-22

● 会务组联系方式

联系人: Service Science Conference Secretariat Office
联系电话: 886-2-2733 3141 ext.7591
E-mail: informs@im.ntust.edu.tw

● 会议背景介绍:

Driven by a new business environment including global telecommunications, globalized economy, business automation, and business and technology innovations, the service sector keeps growing and now accounts for more than 50 percent of the labor force in the developed economies. It reaches as high as 80 percent in the United States and the United Kingdom. This unprecedented growth is changing the way companies organize themselves, resulting in a ripple effect in industries and universities with close ties to these organizations. With the shift in economic focus from manufacturing to service, industrial and academic research facilities now need to apply more scientific rigor to the practices of service, such as discovering better methods to use mathematical optimization to increase productivity and efficiency to meet the challenges.

To echo this shift to focusing on service, the INFORMS Service Science conference aims to provide a timely forum and bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss issues, identify challenges and future directions, and share their R&D findings and experiences in the areas of service science, management, and engineering. Papers relating to service quality control and improvement, service operations management, service design, innovations, marketing, and operations; logistics issues in services offerings, logistics as a service and related decision-making; service simulation; informatics-enabled service offerings, and information technology/systems services and related design, engineering, operations, and sustaining, etc. are strongly encouraged. Special sessions on specific service topics are also welcome.
● 征文范围及要求:

Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Service Science

Theory of Service Production-Consumption; The Principles of Service Science; The Process of Value Co-production; Cognition Science in Service; Logic, Language, and Modeling; Creativity and Service Innovations; Social Network Analysis; The Dynamics of Service-oriented System; Service Quality, Measures, and Benchmarking

• Service Management, Operations, and Marketing

Globalization and Localization; Service Operations and Productivity; Workforce Management; Business Transformation; Service Lifecycle Management; Risk Management; Legal Issues; Service Marketing; Service Satisfaction; Service Pricing

• Service Engineering and Systems

System Complexity, Scalability, Sustainability, and Adaptability; Service Infrastructure and Cyber-infrastructure; Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Service Value Networks; Service Computing; System Configuration and Reconfigurability; Self-service Systems; System of Systems; Data Warehousing, Data Mining and Business Intelligence; Web 2.0, BPM/BPI, and SOA 2.0 in support of Innovative Services

• Service Economics

• Service Education

Degree, Certificate, and Curriculum Development; Knowledge Transferring and Training; Worldwide Campus

• Service Simulation

• Applications and Case Study

Healthcare; Investment and Financial Engineering; Trade and Exchange; Banks, Real Estate, and Insurance; Education; Homeland Security; Wholesale and Retailing; Utilities and Transportation; Governmental Services; Manufacturing, Construction, and others  


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