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发布人:dengyp    更新时间:2009/8/20 15:42:09    点击数:1231

● 会议名称(中文): 第45届欧洲糖尿病研究学会年会

● 会议名称(英文): 45th EASD Annual Meeting

● 所属学科: 基础医学  临床医学  
● 会议类型: 国际会议 

● 会议论文集是否检索: 不详
● 开始日期: 2009-9-27

● 结束日期: 2009-10-1

● 所在国家: 奥地利 

● 所在城市: 国外   

● 具体地点: 维也纳

● 主办单位: 欧洲糖尿病研究学会(EASD)
● 议题:

1 二型糖尿病的减肥治疗
2 二型糖尿病的减肥治疗
3 糖尿病与妊娠
4 氧化应激和长期糖尿病并发症的新探索
5 糖尿病和神经退行性病变
6 人工胰腺技术
7 封闭循环恢复血糖
8 中枢神经系统在糖尿病中的作用
9 贝塔细胞变性机制

● 摘要截稿日期: 2009-4-1

● 会务组联系方式

联系人: EASD Secretariat
联系电话: +49-211-758 469-0
传真: +49-211-758 469-29
E-mail: secretariat@easd.org

● 会议注册费: 会员400欧元,非会员700欧元

● 会议网站: http://www.easd.org/

● 会议背景介绍:

On behalf of the Local Organising Committee it is a great pleasure for me to invite you to attend and participate in the 45th EASD Annual Meeting in Vienna, Austria.

Once again, you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues, friends and members of the EASD family to discuss the latest developments in scientific research and clinical practice. Vienna, “the music capital of the world”, was once home to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and many masters of classical music. It is situated on the Blue Danube and history, art, beauty and culture ooze from its alley-ways and street corners. So come and discover St. Stephen’s Cathedral, take a stroll through the Vienna Woods or sit down and enjoy a coffee on one of the narrow streets of this unforgettable city. The Messezentrum Wien is the ideal setting for the 45th EASD Annual Meeting which promises to be an enriching experience.

Located at the edge of the city, in the heart of the “Prater” recreational area, it is a mere 30 minutes from Vienna International Airport and just 20 minutes from the wonderfully historic city centre.
The official Opening Ceremony will take place in the morning of Wednesday, 30 September 2009. The Programme will end on Friday, 2 October 2009.

We hope that you will enjoy this opportunity to interact with your colleagues from all over the world and that this forum for a creative exchange of ideas will be personally rewarding to you.

We also hope and trust that you will enjoy your visit to the very beautiful and exciting city of Vienna.

● 征文范围及要求:


To View or or to print your abstract, please use the following link and login using your login information:

Abstract 2009


The Programme Committee Members will meet in May 2009 and have the absolute right to accept or reject abstracts. Their decision is final. Only accepted abstracts will be printed. The Programme Committee’s decision will be sent in the last week of May 2009 ONLY to the presenting (= first named) author’s contact e-mail entered in the online abstract submission tool.

Abstracts can only be submitted online (www.easd.org) and cannot be submitted LATER THAN 1 APRIL 2009 23:59 hrs CET. THIS DEADLINE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Acknowledgement of receipt will be sent via e-mail to the presenting (=first named) author. Please contact the EASD Office if no receipt of acknowledgement has been received by 10 April 2009.

Authors are not permitted to submit work that they know is likely to be published before the EASD Annual Meeting. The Programme Committee has the right to withdraw an abstract from the programme containing material that has already been published. However, EASD will consider abstracts that have been presented in recent months at local or national diabetes meetings. An author submitting or presenting published work will be banned from presenting data at the EASD Meetings for three years.

Abstracts submitted on Human Studies:
The box must be marked stating that the study has been reviewed by the Local Ethics Committee and that it has therefore been performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the Helsinki Declaration (see World Medical Association: www.wma.net).

Abstracts submitted on Animal Studies:
The box must be marked stating that the study has been carried out along the “Principles of laboratory animal care” (NIH Publication no. 85-23, revised 1985) and according to the national law, if applicable.

Selection of abstracts for the Scientific Programme is made anonymously. THE ABSTRACT MUST BE SUBMITTED as follows:

Each author can be listed ONLY ONCE as the presenting author (presenting author is always the first named author in the author block) on ONE (1) abstract. Each additional abstract will be removed from the system before being sent to the Review Committee. Presenting authors may be co-authors of other abstracts. It is MANDATORY that the first named (=presenting) author of any abstract accepted for presentation be present to deliver his/her paper. Failure to do so, without prior or adequate explanation sent to the EASD Office by fax or e-mail, may result in the author or the institution being banned from presenting abstracts for the next three years.

Abstracts are welcome from non-members of EASD. Please note the date by which authors must become members of EASD in order to qualify for preferential registration fees (July 1st, 2009). These regulations will be strictly enforced.

The abstract must be submitted in English. The authors should create an account using a login name and a password. With this information they can revise the submission as often as required, make changes, additions, amendments, change/add/delete authors, copy special characters easily into the text, re-write the abstract, download the text from a file or copy it into the submission box. All this is possible until the Abstract Submission Deadline: 1 April 2009 23:59 hrs CET. After this date the account will be closed. CHANGES TO THE CONTENT OF THE SUBMITTED ABSTRACT WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED after the submission deadline.

Detailed abstract submission instructions can be found under www.easd.org. The abstract should be submitted in the following way:

1)   The title should be short (maximum 160 characters).
2)   Please enter your name and the names of co-authors as given in the following example. It is important to start each name with a capital letter and continue in lower case.

First name:       Frederick
Initial:                G
Last name:       Banting

3) The abstract must be structured. Begin each section with the provided sub-headings in   bold (Background and aims:, Materials and methods:, Results: and Conclusion:). The abstract structuring words are in the abstract text box (do not change them or delete them). One or two sentences should describe the methods, and any aspects of methodology (e.g. use of control groups, randomisation, patient selection, assay variation). The sentences stating the results must include hard data, including statistical analysis.
4)   References are not allowed.
5)   For drugs exclusively generic names should be used (no trademarks).
6)   A list of approved abbreviations and units of expression for use without definition appears in DIABETOLOGIA:
7)  Grant/Support information must be entered into the special field.
8)  Only one keyword can be selected.
9)  Abstracts CANNOT be submitted as an e-mail attachment.
10) A signed copy of the final version of the abstract with the presenting author’s signature and printed name must be uploaded directly to the submission system as a PDF document by clicking on “Add a File”. Use the print-friendly version provided by the system in the Submission step "Review my work".
You can also send a signed copy of the final version of the abstract per e-mail as PDF file attachment to: abstracts@easd.org by 3 April 2009 23:59 hrs CET.

In case of questions, please call: +49-211-75 84 69 0 or contact abstracts@easd.org


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