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发布人:dengyp    更新时间:2014/10/29 15:07:34    点击数:448

●会议名称(中文):  2015IAIN世界导航大会

●会议名称(英文):  IAIN World Congress 2015

●所属学科:  导航、制导与传感技术

●开始日期:  2015-10-20

●结束日期:  2015-10-23

●所在国家:  捷克

●所在城市:      捷克

●具体地点:  Prague, Czech Republic

●主办单位:  International Association of Institutes of Navigation

●摘要截稿日期:  2014-09-01


联系电话:  +420 284 001 444
传真:  +420 284 001 448
E-MAIL:  iain2015@guarant.cz

●会议网站:  http://www.iain2015.org/


When you hear the word navigation, do you also feel the breath of the romantic past? The conquerors of the Sea, such as the Phoenicians, Chinese or Vikings knew how to orientate in vast oceans, were able to lead their ships to their harbors, simply, they knew how to navigate.
Nowadays it is not just a few ships. Millions of people travel every day to distant places, our “vessels” sail not only the seas but also ride on the highways and fly in the sky. If only their small percentage did not reach their places of destination in time, it could cause great financial losses. If we did not know the position of our vehicles, we would risk what is the most precious – human lives. Our demands on navigation, on its accuracy and reliability are rapidly growing.
That is why navigation systems utilize the latest theoretical knowledge of physics and mathematics and therefore use the most advanced technologies. That is why we must monitor their latest developments. A very efficient way how to do it is to meet in person.
We are planning to organize such a meeting in Prague in October next year. In Prague, because that is where navigation systems are researched, where we teach about these systems at universities, where such systems are made and used. We cordially invite you to this meeting. We invite you to meet navigation, its theories and applications; we invite you to the hospitable city of Prague, full of historic treasures, music and arts.

Topics of the World Congress 2015
01) Satellite Navigation Systems (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BEIDOU/COMPASS, QZSS, etc.)
02) Augmentation Systems (SBAS, GBAS, etc.)
03) GNSS Modernization
04) Signal Processing in Navigation Systems and Systems Integration
05) Interference and Spectrum Management, Jamming and Spoofing
06) GNSS Receivers and Antenna Technologies
07) Autonomous Navigation
08) MEMS, Atomic Clock and Micro PNT
09) Space and Atmospheric Weather Effects on GNSS
10) Aviation Applications
11) Marine Applications
12) Terrestrial Applications
13) Urban and Indoor Applications
14) Space Applications and Remote Sensing
15) Precise positioning, RTK
16) Radar and Alternative Sensors
17) Other GNSS/Navigation Related Topics


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