发布人:许玲燕 更新时间:2015/11/11 16:08:25 点击数:407[ 会议基本信息 ]
会议名称(中文): 第十三届国际工业微生物遗传学大会
会议名称(英文): 13th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (GIM2016)
所属学科: 动植物微生物学,生物物理学、生物化学及分子生物学,遗传与发育生物学
开始日期: 2016-10-16
结束日期: 2016-10-20
所在国家: 中华人民共和国
所在城市: 湖北省 武汉市
具体地点: 武汉东湖国际会议中心
主办单位: 武汉大学、中国科学院上海生物工程研究中心
[ 组织结构 ]
会议主席: 邓子新 武汉大学、武汉生物技术研究院
[ 重要日期 ]
摘要截稿日期: 2016-06-01
[ 会务组联系方式 ]
E-MAIL: GIM2016@163.com
会议网站: http://gim2016.cn
Scientific Topics
1.Fundamental Research in Microbial Genetics
Genetics in Actinomycetes
Genetics in Yeast
Genetics in Filamentous Fungi
Genetics in Lactic Acid Bacteria
Genetics in Cyanobacteria and Algae
Genetics in Archaea
Commensalism System
Genetics in Corynebacteria and Baccillus
2.Strategic and Technologic Innovation in Microbial Genetics
Artificial Biological System
Methods and Tools in Microbial Genomic Sequencing and Editing
Metabolic Science — Big Wave after Genomics and Proteomics
Genetic Regulatory and Circuit Control and Gene Network
Emerging New Technologies in Microbiology
3.Application and Industrial Microbiology
Natural Products Discovery and Its Biosynthesis
Enzymes from Microbes and Design and Revolution
Metabolic Engineering — Building up the Microbial Cell Factory
Design and Application of Microbial Degradation
Genetic Microbiology in Pharmaceutical and Diagnosis
Genetic Microbiology in Food and Agriculture
Successful Industrial Application Cases