【举办单位】北京曼顿培训网 www.mdpxb.com 中国培训资讯网 www.e71edu.com
【咨询电话】4006820825 010-56133998 13810210257
For junior staff, an excellent PPT means praise from superiors, favor from boss's favor and recognition from colleagues, and it will bring promotion, outstanding and success!
对于公司的老总, 一份优秀的PPT意味着股东的认可、客户的赞誉、订单的成交、企业形象的提升,让你的企业如虎添翼,财富滚滚!
For company executives, an excellent PPT means recognition from shareholders, praise from customers, the transaction orders, corporate image promotion, it will make your business become more rolling in wealth!
For company managers, an excellent PPT means successful implementation of regulations, smooth implementation of corporate intent and enhance of employee morale, it will make a effective execution.
然而,看遍所有的PPT教程, 听罢PPT培训,却是不断推陈出新的设计技巧,精美的图表与眩目动画。短暂的兴奋之后,除了遗忘便是遗憾。因为,你仍然不知道PPT究竟是什么…
However, looking around all the PPT tutorials and listening all the PPT training, there are always the new design techniques, beautiful chart and dazzling animation. After a brief excitement, the two things will leave which are forgotten and regrettable. Because, you still do not know what is PPT.
Mr.Gao will uncover hidden secret behind PPT, tell you PPT's true face, open a gate which lead you to promotion, wealth and honor!
Mr.Gao will completely overturn your understanding of the PPT that will change your thinking totally.
Mr.Gao will teach you a new understanding thinking and ideas of PPT, you will find all of the production and design are so simple when understood these.
Abandon those flashy tutorial now!
请记住, PPT的起与始并不是鼠标点击的开始与结束!
Remember, the beginning and end of the PPT is on the mouse click!
请记住, PPT绝对不仅仅是一份报告与展示,更绝对不仅仅是制作与设计!
Remember, PPT is absolutely not just a report and presentation, and certainly not just the production and design!
1, Improve students' ability visual design capability
2、熟悉两大类演示文稿:汇报类PPT 和展示类PPT
2, Familiar with two types of presentation: report type and display type
3、支持学员制作出美观大气的PPT 报告
3, Help students to produce a beautiful atmosphere of PPT report
1、以真实的商务演示作品为案例,传达实效的PPT 设计思路和制作方法。
1, Make the real business presentation works as a case, effectively convey design ideas and production methods.
2、支持现场答疑,注重动手练习,让学员充分感悟优秀PPT 的设计精髓。
2, Site Q&A, focus on hands-on exercises, allow students to fully comprehend the essence of the design of excellent PPT
3, Mr.Gao set his 10 years training experience, make the class easy to understand and explain profound theories in simple language techniques and application.
1、让学员深刻领会优秀幻灯片的设计思路和制作方法,支持学员制作出美观大气的PPT 演示文稿。
1, Let the students understand the design ideas and methods of the excellent PPTs, and support the students to create a beautiful atmosphere of the PPT presentation.
2、课程中所有PPT 案例均为真实商务演示作品,学员可以模仿和套用。
2, All PPT cases used in the class are real business presentations, students can imitate and apply.
Visual elements present and creative design principles of PPTs
一、文字One, The text
■Select the appropriate font
■ 衬线字体、无衬线字体、艺术字体。
■ Serif, sans serif font, artistic fonts.
■ 收集字体、安装字体、嵌入字体。
■ Collect fonts, install fonts, embedded fonts.
■ 职场、商务场合字体的经典搭配。
■ Workplace, business classic case font match
■Select the appropriate size
■ 推荐字号、正文和标题字号、强调字号。
■ Recommended size, body and heading font size, font stressed.
■Text color and artistic effect
■ 应用色彩增强或减弱文字的视觉度。
■ Apply color enhance or diminish the vision of the text.
■ 应用文字艺术效果营造特殊的意境。
■ Use word art special effects to create the mood.
■Multi-line text design effects
■ 应用亲密性原则归类版面文字信息。
■ Use the intimate principle of classified forum text messages.
■ 应用形状工具制作分类辅助线和面。
■ Use shape tools to create classification guides and faces.
二、形状 Second, The shape
■The role of shape in the PPTs
■ 版面划分,视觉引导,辅助内容。
■ Partition layout, visual guidance, auxiliary content.
■PPT 版面设计中的形状应用。
■The shape of the application in PPT layout
■Shape editing techniques and color theory.
三、图片Third, Pictures
■Collect pictures through internet
■ 关键词搜图法、屏幕截图法、以图搜图法。
■ Key word diagram, screenshot law and use picture to search picture.
■Common image presentation
■ 图片边框、裁剪、降噪。
■ Picture frame, clipping, noise reduction.
■ 应用重复和对齐原则使之更专业。
■ Use the principles of repetition and alignment to make it more professional.
四、动画 Fourth, Animation
■Animation manifestation in the PPT
■ 幻灯片切换动画:PPT 演示中不可缺少的视觉元素。
■ Animated slide transitions: PPT presentation indispensable visual elements.
■ 自定义内容动画:形成一个视觉先后的流程,让信息更有效传递。
■ Custom Content Animation: Has formed a visual processes so that information can more efficiently transfer.
■ 剖析自定义动画:精彩动画应用案例欣赏和模仿。
■ Analysis of the Custom Animation: Wonderful animation's appreciation and imitation.
五、配色Fifth, Color
■An indispensable tool for color matching.
■Find the best color from the picture.
■最有效的PPT 配色口诀。
■The most effective PPT color formulas.
六、表格Six, Form
■Application of the principle of intimacy reclassified data.
■Application of the principles of guiding the line sight to make the data show.
■Application of the principle of comparative data focused, build visual hierarchy. 七、图表和图示Seven, Charts and diagrams
■Understand the process of the data graph, and convey accurate information to the audience.
■Application of the principle of contrast to build a visual level, highlighting the focus of information.
■Graphics and animation design.
八、设计原则Eight, Design principle
■Contrast principle: This is the most impressive way in PPT, applied to the font, shape, size, line, angle and color, can distinguish between content, emphasis on content and highlights.
■Align principles: The fastest way to make your pages look orderly. Jagged military regulations in layout design. Make the alignment bearing in mind and make it become obsessive compulsive disorder.
■Repeat principles: Used fonts, shapes, sizes, lines, angles, colors and layout, Repeat make the PPT more professional.
■Balance principle: Just look around, make a more reasonable distribution of visual elements in PPT, and the visual will feel more comfortable.
■Intimate principles: Clear classification, logic naturally present.
■Sight flow principles: The location of the visual elements should be taken into account in the reading habits of the audience.: top to bottom, left to right.
PPT 模板规范设计与创意绝招
PPT template specification design and creative trick
■制作PPT 是个耐心活,只有在不断的模仿练习中才能找到灵感,得以提升。
■Making PPT is a patient work which only can be improved and enhanced in the constant imitation exercise.
■Template Design: cover, table of contents, transitions, inside pages, the end.
■ 以企业视觉形象为设计出发点。
■ Make the corporate visual image design as starting point.
■ 以企业的行业特征画面为主体。
■ Make the enterprise industry characteristics screen as subject.
■ 以PPT 使用场合体现的内容为基调。
■ Make PPT content as tone.
商务类PPT 作品鉴赏、分析和模仿
Business PPT works appreciation, analysis and simulation
■汇报类PPT 必须是逻辑清晰,干净大气,易于存档。绝非标题党,文字并非越少越好。
■Reporting class PPT must be logical, clean and easy archiving. Definitely not heading the party, the text is not the less the better.
■展示类PPT 应具有超强的视觉冲击力,动画是不可或缺的视觉元素。
■Show Type PPT should have superior visual impact, animation is an indispensable visual elements.
Smooth screening report, showing the results with professional
■PPT 就像是魔术师手中的道具、信手拈来,应用自如。
■PPT =like a magician's props which is easily applied.
■ 巧用PPT 中的动作功能,观众想看什么,就能看到什么。
■ Using PPT in motor function, the audiences see what they want to see.
■ 巧用PPT 放映的快捷键,想到哪一页就到哪一页。
■ Using PPT show shortcut keys, you can go anywhere.
■ 巧用PPT 讲演者视图功能,告别忘台词的尴尬。
■ Using PPT speakers View feature, bid farewell to the embarrassment of forgotten speech
工作经历Work experience:
拥有14年企业内训经验,培 训过上千家企业。是国内OFFICE培训年度项目最多的老师。好老师,好课程你不应该错过!讲演能力出众,授课逻辑清晰,轻松愉快,授人以渔。 精通OFFICE组件(EXCEL/ PPT / WORD),参与各类课程超过1万小时,培训人数超过1.5万。擅于发现和培养讲师,TTT训练课程实用,与幻灯演示的整合课程大幅提升学员讲演效果,获多位知名企业主管好评。 讲师培养成果:GMCT 1位(微软十大金牌讲师),MCT 2位(微软认证讲师),一线骨干教师若干位 近期培训行业:银行,保险,政府机关,汽车制造业,科研机构,能源业。
2011年5月—2012年1月,2012年11月,2013年10月28日(预订) 埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)中国区巡讲,涉及上海、北京、天津、广州、太仓。(WINDOWS7\EXCEL\PPT\OUTLOOK\SHAREPOINT超过100场)
2011年6月—2012年7月 浙江省平安保险全省巡讲,涉及杭州、萧山、台州、金华、温州、衢州、嘉兴、湖州、宁波、绍兴。(EXCEL 30场)
2012年—2013年 中国银行苏州分行《OFFICE效率之源》全年全员分级培训,涉及全部支行。(EXCEL\PPT\WORD30场)
2013年 贝因美集团有限公司《OFFICE效率之源》全年全员分级培训,涉及杭州,临平,安溪等分公司。(EXCEL\PPT\WORD 20场)
2013年 苏州工业园区就业指导和培训中心《OFFICE效率之源》全年公开课程计划。(10场)
上海福特,美卓(上海、无锡)、工商银行苏州分行、中国银行苏州分行、建设银行、园区市政、苏嘉杭高速、金龙海格、卡夫食品、格兰富水泵、邻里中心、楼氏电子、锦盟科技、水星海事、安德鲁、美日薄膜、诺基亚、爱普生、AMD、纳贝斯克公司、美西航空、阿迪达斯、迈拓、飞利浦、松下、博世汽车、欧莱雅、国际科技园、BOC气体、铁姆恩-恩斯克轴承、奇梦达(英飞凌)、德莱赛、埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)全员office培训(上海、北京、天津、广州、太仓)、浙江省平安保险全员office培训、诺基亚西门子(Nokia Siemens)全员offcie在线培训、用友会计节微软产品宣讲会OFFICE2007(无锡),交大秉创科技OFFICE2010内训,常熟大金PPT2003,大宇宙(日资)EXCEL内训,中国银行苏州分行午间论坛OFFICE,中国石化(壳牌)年会-财务EXCEL。
2、报名咨询:4006820825 010-56133998 56028090 13810210257 鲍老师
5、详细资料请访问北京曼顿培训网:www.mdpxb.com (每月在全国开设四百多门公开课,欢迎报名学习)