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发布人:shicheng    更新时间:2007/8/24 11:13:40    点击数:505



费用:3200 元

联系方式:021-28849486  胡先生




1. 预算管理总览Bird-view Budget Control
从企业的经营战略看预算的作用The budget Role ion the eye of strategy
制定预算的主要假设指标Assuming indicators for budget
——福特汽车案例Refer: Ford Case
预算的指导原则与方法Budget guidance and practice
流动计划Current Plan
流动预算Current Budget
行动的约束Action deficiency

2.预算管理实务Budget Management practice
销售预算、Sales budget ,
生产预算过程Production budget
材料采购与存货预算过程Purchase and Inventory budget
直接人工预算过程Direct Labor Budget
制造费用预算工作Burden Budent
单位产品成本预算过程Units product o costs budget
销售及行政管理费用预算过程Sales and admin Expenses Costs
营业外收支预算过程Non trade expenditure budget
人力计划、生产计划预算过程Labor plan , and production plan process
损益预算与资产负债预算过程P&L and Balance Sheet Budget

3.预算的落实与修正Budget executive and Amendment
修正预算的前提Pre condition for amendment
修正预算的指标Indicators amendment
修正预算的程序Budget amendment procedure
预算控制与落实Budget and Implementation

4.成本控制总览Bird-view Costs Management
从企业的经营战略来确定成本目标To determine costs target by the strategy.
确定企业成本目标的方式The Methods to determine the target costs
——用财务工具来确定成本目标Financial Tool to determine the target costs
——用市场工具来确定成本目标Market tool to determine costs target
管理决策的相关成本The relevant costs for decision
成本控制方法论Costs control system
杠杆法与不断改进Benchmark and Improvemnt
成本分解分析COSTS breakdown analysis
传统成本核算与控制的局限Constraints in the traditional costs control and calculation
成本核算与控制发展新发展Costs Calculation and control development

5.成本风险的化解方法To prevent costs risks
成本失控的预兆 The indicators for costs control
供应链全程成本管理Costs Chain
7种常见的浪费与消除方法Seven ways to lower costs

6.成本控制实务Costs Control Practices
组织机构对成本的影响Organization effects on costs
经营方案对成本的影响Operating projects on Costs
全面质量成本Total quality costs
税收成本控制Taxation costs
资金控制Cash Control
应收帐款控制Accounts Receivable Control
库存控制Inventory Control
固定资产控制Fixed Assets Control


 John Wang 斯顿公司高级讲师. 拥有15年跨国公司财务管理经验,8年培训师经验. 曾先后在上海通用汽车,深圳科帝-羽茜化妆品,德国FAG等跨国企业担任财务负责人,并成功参与了多家跨国公司内部控制体系建立,税收筹划工作,财务管理体系建立等咨询项目.上海财经大学财务管理硕士,美国通用汽车大学GMU进修,MBA导师。Instructor: Financial Master , Financial manager experience from 5OO Strongest company, consulting manager, involved in SGM cost system development


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