发布人:dengyp 更新时间:2009/4/9 14:32:12 点击数:1075● 会议名称(中文): 2010年IFAC国际研讨会:非线性系统
● 会议名称(英文): International Federation of Automatic Control
● 所属学科: 数学
● 会议类型: 国内会议
● 会议论文集是否检索: 不详
● 开始日期: 2010-6-30
● 结束日期: 2010-7-2
● 所在国家: 奥地利
● 所在城市: 国外
● 主办单位: multinational federation of National Member Organizations
● 会议主席: Alberto Isidori
● 会务组联系方式
联系人: Barbara Aumann
联系电话: 43-2236-71-447
传真: 43-2236-72-859
E-mail: secretariat@ifac-control.org
通讯地址: IFAC Secretaria Schlossplatz 12 A-2361 Laxenburg (Austria)
● 会议网站: http://www.ifac-control.org/
● 会议背景介绍:
The INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL, founded in September 1957, is a multinational federation of National Member Organizations (NMOs), each one representing the engineering and scientific societies concerned with automatic control in its own country.
The aims of the Federation are to promote the science and technology of control in the broadest sense in all systems, whether, for example, engineering, physical, biological, social or economic, in both theory and application. IFAC is also concerned with the impact of control technology on society.
● 征文范围及要求:
This information has been provided to assist authors submitting papers to IFAC meetings. Using this information you will be able to prepare your paper in the appropriate form for inclusion in the meeting Proceedings.