发布人:dengyp 更新时间:2014/11/11 11:19:27 点击数:572●会议名称(中文): 2014发展中国家可再生能源国际会议
●会议名称(英文): 2014 International Conference on Renewable Energies for Developing Countries (REDEC)
●所属学科: 再生能源技术与工程
●开始日期: 2014-11-26
●结束日期: 2014-11-27
●所在国家: 黎巴嫩
●所在城市: 黎巴嫩
●具体地点: Beirut, Lebanon
●主办单位: Institut Mediterraneen des Energies Renouvelables - IMEDER Lebanese Association for Energy Saving and for Environment (ALMEE) Universite Libano-Francaise
E-MAIL: redecsecretary@redeconf.org
●会议网站: http://www.redeconf.org/
REDEC 2014 is a specific scientific conference that helps in finding innovative and adequate solutions for energy saving and production in developing countries. During the first REDEC 2012 conference, more than 120 participants have discussed the scientific issues that were presented and subsequently published in IEEE Xplore. Due to the fruitful results, the organization of REDEC 2014 has started with newly proposed or more extended themes to bring additional focus on topics that were not enough covered or studied previously.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
A. Renewable Energy Resources: wind, solar, biomass, hydraulic, geothermal, waves, tidal, etc.
B. Renewable Energy Conversion: Electrical power converters, fuel cells, photovoltaic panels, heating and cooling.
C. Energy Storage: Electrical storage, hydraulic storage, thermal storage.
D. Energy Management, Saving and Efficiency: Optimal management process, control algorithms, smart grid connectivity and control, green and zero consumption buildings, standards.
E. Developing countries policies and laws related to renewable energy penetration.
F. Capacity building for the needs of developing countries appropriate technologies and mechanisms for energy services in rural areas.
G. Implementation of educational and research programs in the fields of renewable energy.
H. Regional and international supporting programs for the penetration of renewable energy in developing countries.
I. Hardware and Software Design related to Renewable Energy.