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发布人:chenqingqing    更新时间:2007/11/1 11:55:15    点击数:1149


●通讯地址:Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering,5 Dongdan Santiao,Beijing,China



     Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering (CSBME) has the great honor to organize the Seventh Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering (APCMBE 2008)  at the agreement and invitation of IFMBE. APCMBE 2008 will take place together with the Seventh National Annual Meeting of Biomedical Engineering in Beijing from April 22 to 25, 2008.
     Participants from the Asian-Oceania cou ntries will have the opportunity of coming together to meet with the researchers and engineers on medical and biological engineering, from China in the world famous capital city of Beijing.
     The theme of the conference is “Biomedical Engineering -- Promoting Sustainable Development of Modern Medicine”. This conference will provide a most appropriate platform for medical and biological engineering professionals to interact and exchange their ideas and experiences on the application of modern biomedical engineering to medical diagnosis, treatment and health promotion. Medical and biological engineering experts and students of all disciplines who are interested in these emerging techniques are warmly invited to participate in this important conference.






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