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发布人:kidden    更新时间:2014/5/24 11:23:32    点击数:2737

会议名称(中文):  光华-思科领导力研究院研讨会
所属学科:  管理科学与工程,公共政策
开始日期:  2014-05-29
结束日期:  2014-05-31
所在国家:  中华人民共和国
所在城市:  北京市     海淀区
主办单位:  光华-思科领导力研究院
联系人:  Eve Yan
E-MAIL:  yan.li@gsm.pku.edu.cn
会议网站:  http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/index/P807664881340104987360.html?clipperUrl=32/48477.ghtm
You are cordially invited to attend a three-day research Progress Review Workshop organized by Guanghua Leadership Institute on May 29-31, 2014. The Guanghua Leadership Institute (GLI), in collaboration with CISCO, is dedicated to cultivating the next generation of effective Chinese state and enterprise leaders. The Institute promotes knowledge creation and dissemination that foster sustainable innovation, leadership and globalization. GLI has funded three rounds of research from 2008 to 2014. In Phase III research, after intensive reviews, we decided to fund 9 proposals in the specific areas such as Business and management in the internet age, Chinese family business firm development and transition, corporate governance of public and private firms in China, and Innovation and creativity in Chinese firm.


During this three-day Workshop, the funded project PIs will present the latest development in their research projects. In addition, we have multiple numbers of accomplished scholars to serve as the international research advisors. Each of them will give 1 hour talk on a topic that would be most useful to the Phase III researchers, and share the expertise beyond giving feedback on the projects.


Please find below the presentation schedule. Please note that this is a FREE event to GSM faculties and students.

   Due to limited space, we strongly encourage you to reserve your place in advance by RSVP. Please contact Eve Yan at yan.li@gsm.pku.edu.cn with your full name and job title (faculty or doctoral student, department).




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