发布人:dengyp 更新时间:2008/11/19 16:55:42 点击数:1291● 会议名称(中文): 第11届信息学与组织符号学国际会议(ICISO2009)
● 会议名称(英文): 11th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations (ICISO2009)
● 所属学科: 信息科学与系统科学 计算机科学技术 管理学
● 会议类型: 国际会议
● 开始日期: 2009-4-10
● 结束日期: 2009-4-12
● 所在国家: 中华人民共和国
● 所在城市: 北京市 朝阳区
● 主办单位: 北京工业大学、英国Reading大学
● 承办单位: 北京工业大学
● 会议主席: 李京文 教授
● 组织委员会主席: 蒋国瑞 教授
● 程序委员会主席: Prof. Kecheng Liu
● 全文截稿日期: 2008-11-30
● 会务组联系方式
联系人: 张瀚林、刘俊婉
联系电话: 010-67392165
E-mail: iciso2009@126.com
● 会议网站: http://www.orgsem.org/2009/
● 会议背景介绍:
2009 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations (ICISO2009)
April 10-12, 2009, Beijing, China
Mail: iciso2009@126.com
Tel: +86-(0)10-67392165
Submission site: www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ICISO2009
The International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organizations (ICISO 2009), previously named International Conference on Organizational Semiotics (ICOS), is the eleventh in a series of international events devoted to the latest research in informatics and applications of Organizational Semiotics in organizations.
Papers describing original work in all areas of information systems are invited. Accepted papers, which must be presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the IFIP conference proceedings by IFIP Springer Series. Moreover, the selected best papers will be considered for "fast track" review for journals.
● 征文范围及要求:
·Organisational Semiotic theory, concepts, methods and techniques, and their practical applications
·Semiotically motivated approaches to information systems
·Pragmatic web and applications
·Adaptive architecture for information systems
·Methodologies for information systems design and implementation
·Information engineering and complex systems
·Semiotic engineering and semiotics in business computing
·Agent-based information systems for business support
·Information managements in logistics
·Information technology in value chain management
·Information fusion in enterprise applications
·E-government, e-commerce, mobile and pervasive commerce
·Customer relationship management and data mining
·Enterprise resource planning and supply chain management
·Service-oriented computing
·Semantic web and its applications
·Innovative business models for mobile commerce
·Integration of heterogeneous systems
·Mobile services and ubiquitous/pervasive systems
·Future generation enterprise information systems
·Enterprise modelling and simulation
·Enterprise application integration
·User-centred approaches to information systems and information management
·Ubiquitous information access
·Knowledge management and data mining
·Ontology engineering
·Business process and workflow modeling, analysis, integration and management
·Business process reengineering
·Business intelligence
·Applications, case studies, and management issues
·Digital content management
·Technology management for innovation
·Emerging technology management
·The theory and methods for future technology analysis
·Evaluation of technology commercialisation
·Automatic negotiation systems