发布人:dengyp 更新时间:2014/10/24 15:58:53 点击数:351●会议名称(中文): 第11届 ICFA高能物理未来展望研讨会
●会议名称(英文): 11th ICFA Seminar on Future Perspectives in High-Energy Physics
●所属学科: 粒子物理与核物理
●开始日期: 2014-10-27
●结束日期: 2014-10-30
●所在国家: 中华人民共和国
●所在城市: 北京市 东城区
●具体地点: 中国科学院高能物理研究所
●主办单位: 国际未来加速器委员会
●承办单位: 中国科学院高能物理研究所
E-MAIL: icfa2014beijing@ihep.ac.cn
●会议网站: http://indico.ihep.ac.cn/conferenceDisplay.py?confId=3867
The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) will organize a Seminar from October 27 to 30, 2014 at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China. Such a Seminar takes place every three years with the aim of bringing together government officials involved in strategic decisions for High Energy Physics (HEP), representatives of the major funding agencies, the directors of major HEP laboratories, and leading scientists from all of the regions of HEP activity.
This year the ICFA Seminar is particularly timely, with the encouraging achievement that the LHC experiments ATLAS and CMS confirmed in March, 2013 that the new boson found in 2012 is indeed a Higgs boson and continued to probe its properties. A five-volume report containing the blueprint for a future particle physics project, the International Linear Collider, was published on 12 June 2013. The Technical Design Report (TDR) marks the completion of many years of globally coordinated R&D and completes the mandate of the Global Design Effort. Furthermore, the different regions, represented by ACFA, ECFA and HEPAP, have all independently studied and established possible roadmaps for the future of HEP within the last year. The Seminar is an ideal venue for the international community to examine these plans for outstanding science from a global perspective, and to establish the long-term foundations for the field.
With these recent developments, the ICFA Seminar will provide an opportunity for the lively exchange of ideas on the future direction of HEP and a forum for discussion on the trends in HEP with emphasis on globalization issues. In order to allow for effective discussion, the number of participants is restricted and attendance is by invitation only.