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发布人:dengyp    更新时间:2014/10/27 14:46:27    点击数:530

●会议名称(中文):  第六届形式语言学国际会议

●会议名称(英文):  The Sixth International Conference on Formal Linguistics

●所属学科:  外国语言文学,中国语言文学

●开始日期:  2014-11-08

●结束日期:  2014-11-09

●所在国家:  中华人民共和国

●所在城市:  北京市     海淀区

●具体地点:  清华大学

●主办单位:  清华大学外国语言文学系


联系人:  王海燕
联系电话:  15801193977
E-MAIL:  icfl-2014@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

●会议网站:  http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/publish/fdllen/8852/index.html


The 6th International Conference on Formal Linguistics in conjunction with the International Conference on Language Acquisition, Language Disorder and Language Assessment is scheduled to be held on November 8 to 9, 2014 at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.

Invited speakers will be announced later. The conference is followed by the Workshop on Language Disorder Assessment and Therapy, the details of which will be announced later.

The organizers are the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of Tsinghua University and College of Foreign Languages of Tianjin Normal University.

The language acquisition, language disorder and language assessment conference welcomes submissions on (but not limited to) the following topics:

-generative approaches to language acquisition;

-types and indicators of language disorders;

-assessment strategies and instruments for Chinese languages.


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